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Technical Support

Please use this form for technical problems regarding the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Website. For technical problems outside the LARA website, visit the State of Michigan Help and Support page.

Please note: This page is used for TECHNICAL ISSUES ONLY. If you have specific questions that are not related to technical problems with a web page, please contact the appropriate area found in the Contacts. Non-Technical inquiries will not be handled via this page. Thank You.

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Please enter the full URL (link) of the page that has caused this problem.

Please enter the specific problem you are having with this page.
If you are inquiring about a license please let us know what type of license you need help with (Nursing, Electrical, Cosmetology etc.).

Spam Blocker In order to help reduce spam, false/automatic form submissions etc. and at the same time maintain accessibility and usability, the State of Michigan is implementing a simple form of 'human checking'. This simply involves entering the sum of two numbers in an additional form field.

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